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Journal of Cardiac Failure
Volume 25, Issue 3, p. 156-163
出版社 Elsevier

Canadian Journal of Cardiology
Volume 33, Issue 12, p. 1652-1659
出版社 Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.617

European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Volume 64 Issue 6
出版社 Oxford University Press
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.534

European Journal of Cardio-thoracic Surgery
Volume 60 Issue 4, p. 859-864
出版社 Oxford University Press
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.534

The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery
Volume 102, Issue 8, p. 687-692
出版社 LWW
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.558

European Journal of Pharmacology
Volume 927 (175065)
出版社 Elsevier
インパクトファクター(IF) 5.195

Journal of Molecular Biology
Volume 425, Issue 18, p. 3289-3300
出版社 Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.151

ヒト脂肪細胞におけるCIDEA および CIDEC 発現の制御
Journal of Lipid Research
Volume 52, Issue 8, p. 1450-1460
出版社 Elsevier
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.676

The American Journal of Medicine
Volume 132, Issue 12, p. 1458-1465
出版社 Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 5.928

Raphe Suspension Techniqueによる二尖大動脈弁修復
Annals of Thoracic Surgery
Volume 114, Issue 2, p. e117-e119
出版社 Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 5.113

Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
Volume 28, Issue 7, p. 743-748
出版社 Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.666

小腸で形態学的変化を示す老化促進マウスprone 8
Experimental Gerontology
Volume 142, p. 111099
出版社 Pergamon-Elsevier Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.253

The Journal of Arthroplasty
Volume 37, Issue 3, p. 448-494
出版社 Churchill Livingstone
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.435

The Journal of Arthroplasty
Volume 35, Issue 3, p. 811-817
出版社 Churchill Livingstone
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.435

The Journal of Arthroplasty
Volume 25, Issue 2, p. 255-260
出版社 Churchill Livingstone
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.435

Annals of Biomedical Engineering
Volume 50, p. 529–539
出版社 Springer
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.219

Bone Marrow Transplantation
Volume 56, p. 2862–2863
出版社 Springer Nature
インパクトファクター(IF) 5.174

Environmental Science and Pollution Research
Volume 25, p. 13833–13843
出版社 Springer Heidelberg
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.18

Scientific Reports
Volume 13, Article number 14529
出版社 Nature Portfolio
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.997

Scientific Reports
Volume 10, Article number 6690
出版社 Nature Portfolio
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.997

Scientific Reports
Volume 9, Article number 3760
出版社 Nature Portfolio
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.997

Scientific Reports
Volume 5, Article number 13632
出版社 Nature Portfolio
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.997

PLoS One
Volume 17, Issue 1
出版社 Public Library of Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.25

PLoS One
Volume 16, Issue 4
出版社 Public Library of Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.25

PLoS One
Volume 16, Issue 3
出版社 Public Library of Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.25

PLoS One
Volume 14, Issue 9
出版社 Public Library of Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.25

PLoS One
Volume 14, Issue 5
出版社 Public Library of Science
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.25

Journal of Applied Crystallography
Volume 50, p. 1478-1489
出版社 International Union of Crystallography
インパクトファクター(IF) 5.93

Oncology Reports
Volume 44, Issue 5, p. 2241-2252
出版社 Spandidos Publications
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.136

ASAIO Journal
Volume 69, Issue 5, p. 483-489
出版社 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.2

ASAIO Journal
Volume 69, Issue 4, p. 391-395
出版社 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.2

Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research
Volume 481, Issue 8, p. 1515-1523
出版社 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.873

Cancer Science
Volume 111, Issue 8, p. 2943-2953
出版社 Wiley
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.71

Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica
Volume 96, Issue 11, p. 1289-1299
出版社 Wiley
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.544

Journal of Gene Medicine
Volume 25, Issue 12, e3560
出版社 Wiley
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.152

Volume 221, Issue 1, p. 84-90
出版社 Elsevier Ireland
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.851

Protein Science
Volume 20, Issue 2, p. 448-456
出版社 Wiley-Blackwell
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.993

Protein Science
Volume 20, Issue 2, p. 406-416
出版社 Wiley-Blackwell
インパクトファクター(IF) 6.993

Journal of Sound and Vibration
Volume 331, Issue 8, p. 1908-1925
出版社 Academic press
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.761

無容器処理による LaO3/2-TiO2 二成分系ガラスの形成
Journal of the American Ceramic Society
Volume95, Issue1, p. 79-81
出版社 Wiley
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.186

American Journal of Nephrology
Volume 46, Issue 3, p. 204-209
出版社 Karger
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.605

The Bone & Joint Journal
Volume 102-B No.10, p. 1297-1302
出版社 The British Editorial Society of Bone & Joint Surgery
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.6

Vascular Medicine
Volume 22, Issue 6
出版社 SAGE Publications Ltd
インパクトファクター(IF) 4.739




学位 MS (Immunology)


学位 MD (臨床医師)
心臓疾患、肺疾患、腎臓病、 消化器病。


学位 MS (Physics)


学位 MS (Engineering)



(1) 黄色のハイライトは内容に改善の余地があります。

“high tolerance for low oxygen pressure”と“high Hb oxygen affinity”の”linkage”が” implicit”です。ここは論文が不明瞭なので再検討をお勧めします。

(2) 水色のハイライトは、同じ表現(compared with)が繰り返して使用されている箇所、および、学会誌により表現の変更がお勧めできる場合と、問題ない場合が想定される箇所(Here, the A. indicus oxy-haemoglobin crystal structure was・・・)です。



British English (LEVEL1)


BarThe bar-headed goose has a lot of higher tolerance for low oxygen pressure contrary to than A. anser and high haemoglobin (Hb)[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use] oxygen affinity, which allows it to survive at high altitudes[Recommend: separate into two sentences for clarity]. There are only four amino acid differences in the Hb of these species, but substitution of Pro for Ala at position 119 in bar-headed goose Hb results in smaller reduces contact between the α1 and β1 subunits compared to compared with A. anser. The enlarged increased oxygen affinity is due to destabilization destabilisation of the protein’s deoxy T state caused by reduction relaxation of the α1β1 interface Here, the A. indicus oxy-hemoglobinhaemoglobin crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction at 2 Å resolution (PDB entry: 1a4f4), and we describe it compared to compared with the deoxy T state (PDB entry: 1hv4). In general, bar-headed goose hemoglobin haemoglobin has the same structure as other Hbs, and is a tetramer made comprised of two 141-residue α-chains and two 146-residue β-chains bound noncovalently bound with consisting mostly of antiparallel helix helices (mostly α- helix) tied to helices) with short β-turns without and no β-sheetsheets.


The bar-headed goose has higher tolerance for low oxygen pressure than A. anser and high haemoglobin (Hb)[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use] oxygen affinity, which allows it to survive at high altitudes[Recommend: separate into two sentences for clarity]. There are only four amino acid differences in the Hb of these species, but substitution of Pro for Ala at position 119 in bar-headed goose Hb reduces contact between α1 and β1 subunits compared with A. anser. The increased oxygen affinity is due to destabilisation of the protein’s deoxy T state by relaxation of the α1β1 interface Here, the A. indicus oxy-haemoglobin crystal structure was determined by X-ray diffraction at 2 Å resolution (PDB entry: 1a4f4), and we describe it compared with the deoxy T state (PDB entry: 1hv4). In general, bar-headed goose haemoglobin has the same structure as other Hbs, and is a tetramer comprised of two 141-residue α-chains and two 146-residue β-chains bound noncovalently consisting mostly of antiparallel helices (mostly α-helices) with short β-turns and no β-sheets.


British English (LEVEL1)


We run ran TRACKERR and to check the behaviour of the simulation. As the first step, we check checked the dr and dz resolution resolutions of each momentum when track where the particle trajectory is perpendicular to the z direction. In this case, the impact parameter resolution should be asymptotically the same as approach the measurement error of the 1st layer of the PXD (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm) in at high momentum and be degraded by the effect of suffer from degradation due to multiple scattering at low momentum. The difference between the slant and straight design designs should be very small because there are only tiny difference differences in detector setting settings (at the location of the 4th layer) in this direction. The result is results are shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr resolution is and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and dz resolution is 14 μm at momentum of 3 GeV/c, respectively. These are values were consistent to with the expectation that these resolutions are the resolution would be dominated by the resolution of the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The momentum dependence of the dr and dz resolution resolutions shown in Figure 4.5 is was also as expected.

The second step is to see determine the magnet magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt resolution). In a stronger strong magnetic field, the radius of the helix of the trajectory becomes small which results shorter resulting in better pt resolution in the case of high-momentum In the case of low momentum, however tracks, but in the case of low-momentum tracks, the particle can’t does not reach all detectors every detector and the hit number decreases which results resulting in lower pt resolution[Recommend: separate into two sentences for clarity]. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. We find found better pt resolution in a stronger for strong magnetic field fields at higher high momentum and in a weaker weak magnetic field fields at low momentum, which is consistent to expectation. with expectations. AfterThe results of these checks we confirm confirmed that TRACKERR runs correctly.


We ran TRACKERR to check the behaviour of the simulation. As the first step, we checked the dr and dz resolutions of each momentum track where the particle trajectory is perpendicular to the z direction. In this case, the impact parameter resolution should asymptotically approach the measurement error of the 1st layer of the PXD (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm) at high momentum and suffer from degradation due to multiple scattering at low momentum. The difference between the slant and straight designs should be very small because there are only tiny differences in detector settings (at the location of the 4th layer) in this direction. The results are shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and 14 μm at momentum of 3 GeV/c, respectively. These values were consistent with the expectation that the resolution would be dominated by the resolution of the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The momentum dependence of the dr and dz resolutions shown in Figure 4.5 was also as expected.

The second step is to determine the magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt resolution). In a strong magnetic field, the radius of the helix of the trajectory becomes shorter resulting in better pt resolution in the case of high-momentum tracks, but in the case of low-momentum tracks, the particle does not reach every detector and the hit number decreases resulting in lower pt resolution[Recommend: separate into two sentences for clarity]. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. We found better pt resolution for strong magnetic fields at high momentum and weak magnetic fields at low momentum, consistent with expectations. The results of these checks confirmed that TRACKERR runs correctly.