下記掲載の「サンプル」は、英文のみの校閲(英⇒英)[生物学(LEVEL 2, LEVEL 3)、物理学(LEVEL 2, LEVEL 3)]と、日本語参照(日⇒英)での英文添削[化学(標準仕様)、契約書(plus仕様)]です。Dolphinは「個人情報保護方針遵守」の観点から「お客様データを公開しない方針」としています。掲載されてあるサンプルは「すべて創作(オリジナル)」となっています。今後も、出来る限りサンプル数を追加していきますが、現時点で学際分野の方々におかれましては、近い分野のサンプルを参考にして戴ければ幸いです。Level1については低価格・英文校正の方にサンプル及び詳細説明があります。どうぞよろしくお願い致します。
LEVEL 2 - 弊社は個人情報保護方針から校閲見本の作成にお客様データを使用していません。
- 英文法、スペル: 正確なものに改善されています。
- 英文の品位等: 英語表現も改善され読みやすくなっています。
- 記載内容: お客様が論文を書いた時点で、具体性や正確性に欠けていた場合、英語をいじってもどうにもならない場合もあります。もちろん、これは、どのように考えても元原稿の問題であります。このような英文を、ネイティブ・スピーカーの研究者が、あたかも最初から書いたように書き換える作業がLEVEL 3です。
②生物学 【履歴確定】
BarThe bar-headed goose has a lot of higher tolerance for low oxygen pressure contrary to than A. anser and high hemoglobin haemoglobin (Hb)[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use] oxygen affinity which. These characteristics allow it to survive at high altitude altitudes. There are only four amino acid differences in the Hb of these species, but substitution of Pro for Ala[Check: “Pro with Ala” i.e. Pro->Ala vs. Ala->Pro] at position 119 in bar-headed goose, Hb makes smaller reduces contact between α1 subunit and β1 subunit subunits compared to compared with A. anser. The enlarged increased oxygen affinity is due to destabilization destabilisation of the protein’s deoxy T state due to lessening by relaxation of the α1β1 interface. In thisThis paper describes the A. indicus oxy-hemoglobinhaemoglobin crystal structure is found out using determined by X-ray diffraction at 2 Å resolution (PDB entry: 1a4f) and we described it compared to in comparison with the deoxy T state (PDB entry: 1hv4).
In general, bar-headed goose hemoglobin haemoglobin has the same structure as other Hb Hbs, and is a tetramer made comprised of two 141-residue α-chains and two 146-residue β-chains bound noncovalently with almost consisting mostly of antiparallel helix helices (mostly α-helix) tied to little helices) with short β-turn without-turns and no β-sheets.
②物理学 【履歴確定】
We run ran TRACKERR and to check the behaviour of the simulation. As the first step, we check checked the dr and dz resolution resolutions of each momentum when track where the particle trajectory is perpendicular to the z direction. In this case, the impact parameter resolution should be asymptotically the same as approach the measurement error of the 1st layer of the PXD (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm) in at high momentum and be degraded by the effect of suffer from degradation due to multiple scattering at low momentum. The difference between the slant and straight design designs should be very small because there are only tiny difference differences in detector setting settings (at the location of the 4th layer) in this direction. The result is results are shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr resolution is and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and dz resolution is 14 μm at 3GeV momentum of 3 GeV/c., respectively. These are values were consistent to with the expectation that these resolutions are the resolution would be dominated by the resolution of the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The momentum dependence of the dr and dz resolution resolutions shown in Figure 4.5 is was also as expected.
The second step is to see determine the magnet magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt) resolution). In a stronger strong magnetic field, the radius of the helix become small which results of the trajectory becomes shorter resulting in better pt resolution in the case of high-momentum tracks. In the case of low-momentum tracks, however, the particle can’t does not reach all detectors every detector and the hit number decreases which results resulting in worse lower pt resolution. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. We find found better pt resolution in a stronger for strong magnetic field fields at higher high momentum and in a weaker weak magnetic field fields at lower low momentum which is, consistent to the expectation. After with expectations. The results of these checks, we confirm confirmed that TRACKERR runs correctly.
③生物学 【履歴表示】
The bar-headed goose has higher tolerance for low oxygen pressure than A. anser and high haemoglobin (Hb)[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use] oxygen affinity. These characteristics allow it to survive at high altitudes. There are only four amino acid differences in the Hb of these species, but substitution of Pro for Ala[Check: “Pro with Ala” i.e. Pro->Ala vs. Ala->Pro] at position 119 in bar-headed goose Hb reduces contact between α1 and β 1 subunits compared with A. anser. The increased oxygen affinity is due to destabilisation of the protein’s deoxy T state by relaxation of the α1β1 interface. This paper describes the A. indicus oxy-haemoglobin crystal structure determined by X-ray diffraction at 2 Å resolution (PDB entry: 1a4f) in comparison with the deoxy T state (PDB entry: 1hv4).
In general, bar-headed goose haemoglobin has the same structure as other Hbs, and is a tetramer comprised of two 141-residue α-chains and two 146-residue β-chains bound noncovalently consisting mostly of antiparallel helices (mostly α-helices) with short β-turns and no β-sheets.
③物理学 【履歴表示】
We ran TRACKERR to check the behaviour of the simulation. As the first step, we checked the dr and dz resolutions of each momentum track where the particle trajectory is perpendicular to the z direction. In this case, the impact parameter resolution should asymptotically approach the measurement error of the 1st layer of the PXD (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm) at high momentum and suffer from degradation due to multiple scattering at low momentum. The difference between the slant and straight designs should be very small because there are only tiny differences in detector settings (at the location of the 4th layer) in this direction. The results are shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and 14 μm at momentum of 3 GeV/c, respectively. These values were consistent with the expectation that the resolution would be dominated by the resolution of the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The momentum dependence of the dr and dz resolutions shown in Figure 4.5 was also as expected.
The second step is to determine the magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt resolution). In a strong magnetic field, the radius of the helix of the trajectory becomes shorter resulting in better pt resolution in the case of high-momentum tracks. In the case of low-momentum tracks, however, the particle does not reach every detector and the hit number decreases resulting in lower pt resolution. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. We found better pt resolution for strong magnetic fields at high momentum and weak magnetic fields at low momentum, consistent with expectations. The results of these checks confirmed that TRACKERR runs correctly.
LEVEL 3 - 弊社は個人情報保護方針から校閲見本の作成にお客様データを使用していません。
④生物学 【履歴確定】
The bar-headed goose, Anser indicus, has markedly higher tolerance for low oxygen pressure pressures than A. related lowland species, such as the greylag goose, Anser anser and high[Note: inconsistent use of Latin species name; also, the full genus name is usually required on first use for each species]. This increased tolerance is reflected in the significantly higher oxygen affinity of its haemoglobin (Hb) oxygen affinity. These characteristics allow it[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use], which allows this species to survive at high higher altitudes. There are than its lowland relatives.
The Hbs of these two species show only four amino acid differences in the Hb of these species, but However, a Pro to Ala substitution of[Note:
In general,Overall, the bar-headed goose haemoglobin has molecule shows the same general structure as other Hbs, and is a tetramer comprised of possessing two 141-residue α-chains and two 146-residue β-chains of 141 and 146 residues, respectively, bound to each other noncovalently consisting mostly. The molecule is comprised primarily of antiparallel helices (mostly α-helices) with linked by short β-turns and with no β-sheets.
④物理学 【履歴確定】
We ran used the package TRACKERR to check verify the behaviour of the simulation. AsIn the first step, we checked the dr and dz resolutions of each momentum track tracks where the particle trajectory is was perpendicular to the z direction. In this case,For high-momentum tracks, the impact parameter resolution should converge asymptotically approach the measurement error of toward the 1st layer tolerance of the PXD 1st layer (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm) at high, while low-momentum and suffer from degradation tracks should be degraded due to multiple scattering at low momentum effects. The difference differences between the slant and straight designs should be very negligible due to the small because there are only tiny differences in detector settings (at the location of the 4th layer) in for this direction. The results are in the 4th layer, as shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and 14 μm at for 3 GeV/c momentum of 3 GeV/c tracks, respectively. These values wereThis result was consistent with the expectation that the overall resolution would should be dominated by the resolution of the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The dr and dz resolution momentum dependence of the dr and dz resolutions shown in Figure 4.5 was the plot also as expected conformed to expectations.
TheIn the second step is to determine, we measured the magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt) resolution). InThe helical radius of a track in a strong magnetic field, the radius of the helix of the trajectory becomes shorter resulting in is small allowing for better pt resolution in the case of at high momentum tracks. In the case ofTracks with low momentum tracks, however, the particle does will not reach pass through every detector and the. The resulting reduction in hit number decreases resulting in leads to lower pt resolution. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. We found betterConsistent with predictions, pt resolution for was the most sensitive for high-momentum tracks in strong magnetic fields at high and low-momentum and tracks in weak magnetic fields at low momentum, consistent with expectations. The results of these checks confirmed that TRACKERR runs correctly ran as expected.
⑤生物学 【履歴表示】
The bar-headed goose, Anser indicus, has markedly higher tolerance for low oxygen pressures than related lowland species, such as the greylag goose, Anser anser[Note: inconsistent use of Latin species name; also the full genus name is usually required on first use for each species]. This increased tolerance is reflected in the significantly higher oxygen affinity of its haemoglobin (Hb)[Note: UK spelling & definition of abbreviation on first use], which allows this species to survive at higher altitudes than its lowland relatives.
The Hbs of these two species show only four amino acid differences. However, a Pro to Ala substitution[Note: ambiguous-PDB check indicates Pro→Ala not Ala→Pro] at amino acid residue 119 in bar-headed goose Hb reduces contact between the α1 and β1 subunits in comparison with A. anser, which confers increased oxygen affinity by destabilising[Note: UK spelling] the protein's deoxy T state due to relaxation of the α1β1 interface. The crystal structure of A. indicus oxy-haemoglobin[Note: UK spelling] was solved by X-ray diffraction at a resolution of 2 Å (PDB entry: 1a4f) and is compared here with the deoxy T state (PDB entry: 1hv4).
Overall, the bar-headed goose haemoglobin molecule shows the same general structure as other Hbs, and is a tetramer possessing two α- and two β-chains of 141 and 146 residues, respectively, bound to each other noncovalently. The molecule is comprised primarily of antiparallel helices (mostly α-helices) linked by short β-turns with no β-sheets.
⑤物理学 【履歴表示】
We used the package TRACKERR to verify the behaviour of the simulation. In the first step, we checked the dr and dz resolutions of momentum tracks where the particle trajectory was perpendicular to the z direction. For high-momentum tracks, the impact parameter resolution should converge asymptotically toward the tolerance of the PXD 1st layer (50 μm/√12 – 14 μm), while low-momentum tracks should be degraded due to multiple scattering effects. The differences between the slant and straight designs should be negligible due to the small differences in detector settings for this direction in the 4th layer, as shown in Figure 4.5. The calculated dr and dz resolutions were 12.5 μm and 14 μm for 3 GeV/c momentum tracks, respectively. This result was consistent with the expectation that overall resolution should be dominated by the innermost PXD (~14 μm). The dr and dz resolution momentum dependence shown in the plot also conformed to expectations.
In the second step, we measured the magnetic field dependence of the transverse momentum (i.e., pt) resolution. The helical radius of a track in a strong magnetic field is small allowing for better i.e.,pt resolution at high momentum. Tracks with low momentum, however, will not pass through every detector. The resulting reduction in hit number leads to lower pt resolution. The results for B = 1.5 and 1.2 T are shown in Figure 4.6. Consistent with predictions, pt resolution was the most sensitive for high-momentum tracks in strong magnetic fields and low-momentum tracks in weak magnetic fields. The results of these checks confirmed that TRACKERR ran as expected.
LEVEL 3 - 弊社は個人情報保護方針から校閲見本の作成にお客様データを使用していません。
SinceAs water can be electrolyzed to into hydrogen and oxygen, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) can essentially reverse this process to produce electricity from stored, using a store of hydrogen and available oxygen from in the surrounding ambient air. From a cost perspective,Cost challenges to PEFCs include the challenge is to develop the development of highly active and durable catalytic materials in making to create cathode or anode catalysts. From an environmental standpoint,Environmental challenges include the challenge is the need to move away from non-green fuels sources of fuel such as natural gas commonly used to produce in the production of hydrogen. Cathode catalysts made from durable nitrogen-doped carbon materials and or inexpensive Ni–Mo nanocomposites are represent promising alternatives to Pt-based catalysts, and recent research has successfully addressed industry industrial requirements to produce hydrogen by cracking brine of splitting salt water without pretreatment to produce hydrogen using polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Developments in new PEFC technology are also helping to improve production costs and energy efficiency, potentially replacing opening the door to replace thermal power plants and internal combustion engines in industrial and transportation applications.
標準仕様(英訳版のみの納品)ご依頼原稿のtypoはmind readingで対応します。
As water can be electrolyzed into hydrogen and oxygen, polymer electrolyte fuel cells (PEFCs) can essentially reverse this process to produce electricity, using a store of hydrogen and available oxygen in ambient air. Cost challenges to PEFCs include the development of highly active and durable catalytic materials to create cathode or anode catalysts. Environmental challenges include the need to move away from non-green sources of fuel such as natural gas commonly used in the production of hydrogen. Cathode catalysts made from durable nitrogen-doped carbon materials or inexpensive Ni–Mo nanocomposites represent promising alternatives to Pt-based catalysts, and recent research has successfully addressed industrial requirements of splitting salt water without pretreatment to produce hydrogen using polymer electrolyte membrane electrolyzers. Developments in new PEFC technology are also helping to improve production costs and energy efficiency, opening the door to replace thermal power plants and internal combustion engines in industrial and transportation applications.
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Event Management shall invoice Dolphin for the fees due under the Agreement upon execution of this Agreement. Dolphin shall have no obligation to pay any late payment fees of any kind. Payment shall be due immediately upon Dolphin’s receipt of the valid, undisputed invoice.
(1) プレーン・イングリッシュ: https://www.justice.gov/open/plain-writing-act
Although English orginated in originating as part of British culture, it English is widely recognized as the a “universal language” throughout around the world. This is evidenced exemplified by the fact that U.S. United States federal gudelines mandate requiring the use of plain English(1) by government agencies. In fact, and indeed plain English is widespread has become popular in U.S. American journalism.
(1) Plain English: https://www.justice.gov/open/plain-writing-act
There are many a number of countries where English is the native language, producing giving rise to many variations. For example, Canadian English often adopts British spelling, and while American grammar seems to be have become the standard. Also, theIn addition, pronunciation is similar to often like that of American announcers. Canadian English seems to have has fewer liaisons and seems to have clearer pronunciation than American English.
Although different from English-speaking language,Japan also has its own unique English language style differing from the language of English-speaking countries. During the Meiji and Taisho periods (1868-–1926), Japanese people were educated in British English. However, whenAfter Japan was defeated Japan's defeat in World War II, however, the U.S. government US administration ordered the use of American-style spelling. At firstInitially, only the American spelling was adopted, but the major differences in wording eventually changed to the American US style. Even today, there are remnants of the British style, for example, in punctuation.
Despite the fact that this their use all over the word, these new varieties of English is used throughout the word, it is are not recognized accepted in acadenic text writing, such as research papers.
TodayIn the modern age, the influence of American English is so great that it has become difficult even for native English speakers have difficulty distinguishing between to distinguish Standard British English and the from variants used in the UK. What has emerged from this situation isUnder these conditions, Oxford English, a different was born, which differs in spelling used for use in academic papers and newspapers. However, both have there are manuals for both that clearly define specify their respective styles and eliminate ambiguity. Perhaps for this reason,This may be why Oxford English for newspapers has become is established as the standard for British English in English schools.
Although originating as part of British culture, English is widely recognized as a “universal language” around the world. This is exemplified by the United States federal guidelines requiring the use of plain English(1) by government agencies, and indeed plain English has become popular in American journalism.
(1) Plain English: https://www.justice.gov/open/plain-writing-act
There are a number of countries where English is the native language, giving rise to many variations. For example, Canadian English often adopts British spelling, while American grammar seems to have become the standard. In addition, pronunciation is often like that of American announcers. Canadian English has fewer liaisons and seems to have clearer pronunciation than American English.
Japan has its own unique English language style differing from the language of English-speaking countries. During the Meiji and Taisho periods (1868–1926), Japanese people were educated in British English. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, however, the US administration ordered the use of American-style spelling. Initially, only American spelling was adopted, but the major differences in wording eventually changed to US style. Even today, there are remnants of British style, for example in punctuation.
Despite their use all over the world, these new varieties of English are not accepted in academic writing, such as research papers.
In the modern age, the influence of American English is so great that it has become difficult even for native English speakers to distinguish Standard British English from variants used in the UK. Under these conditions, Oxford English was born, which differs in spelling for use in academic papers and newspapers. However, there are manuals for both that clearly specify their styles and eliminate ambiguity. This may be why Oxford English for newspapers is established as the standard for British English in English schools.